EKEBI Flower Care Guide for Lasting Beauty
🧊小心處理Handle with Care:
在撕開包裝底部時要小心,內部含有水 。為了避免可能的溢出,請在水槽上撕開包裝 。
Please be alert when tearing open the bottom part of the packaging, as there is water inside 💦. To avoid any potential overflow, we kindly ask you to tear it open over a sink 🚰.
💧 花泥水位關注 Importance of Monitoring Flower Foam Water Level:
Gently pouring water over the surface of the flower foam. Once the foam begins to dry out, your flowers will wilt in no time.
🌸修剪花莖 Trim the Stems:
Upon receiving your flowers, trim the stems at a 45-degree angle and continue trimming 1-2 cm every few days. This promotes better water absorption and helps extend their life.
🎀 清潔花瓶 Clean Vase:
Use a clean vase and fill it with fresh water. Remove any leaves that may be submerged in the water to prevent bacterial growth.
💦水的保養 Water Maintenance:
Change the water every two days or whenever it becomes cloudy. Before refilling, rinse the vase and follow the previous step.
🌞 擺放位置的重要性 Placement Matters:
☀️🌷 將花束遠離直射陽光、風口和成熟的水果。找到一個涼爽、通風良好的地方擺放花束。
Keep your flowers away from direct sunlight, drafts, and ripening fruits. Find a cool and well-ventilated spot to display them.
🥀 移除凋謝花朵 Remove Faded Flowers:
As blooms start to fade, delicately remove them from the arrangement. This allows the remaining flowers to thrive.
🍃 享受花朵的旅程 Enjoy the Journey:
🦋🌻 每朵花都有其壽命。欣賞每朵花朵在綻放過程中展現的自然美麗,並享受這個不斷變化的展示。
Each flower has its own lifespan. Embrace the natural beauty as each bloom unfolds, and relish in the ever-changing display.
Each flower variety may have specific care requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to seek personalized guidance from our EKEBI experienced florists. 🪽🌸